Best of the pessimistic previews

This piece in the New York Times is a detailed, well-informed, and fair-minded preview of the Browns’ upcoming season. Author Andy Benoit eschews the anti-Cleveland snark so common in outsiders’ analysis but spares no mercy for players he finds lacking: On Colt McCoy: Holmgren’s selection of Weeden upset the incumbent quarterback Colt McCoy, but contrary […]

Apropos of Josh and Joe

Obsessive Browns fan, prone to perceiving patterns and observing oddities, even inanities of name and number, takes note of the following: Never in history have the Browns had more than one Josh or Joshua on the team. In fact, before Cribbs hit the scene running, the only Josh on their all-time roster was QB Josh […]

Randy hands off

The Browns will be sold. It’s a visceral reminder that no matter how much time, attention, and money we fans invest in our team, it all dwells within a high-stakes corporate framework that transcends the prerogative of the hoi polloi. News of Randy Lerner’s imminent deal to surrender the franchise to Pilot Corporation CEO James […]