Wheelie’s home, and mum’s the word, much to the local media’s, um, chagrin.

Livy is livid:

Brash, thoughtless, arrogant, irresponsible — for Winslow, it was touch ’em all time.

For added effect, he recounts each of KWII’s misplays, both on and off the field — a surprising surplus for just a year and a half.

PatMac plays knock-knock:

Winslow merely said “good’’ before getting into an SUV for the journey to his home in Westlake.
There, Winslow went into the home via the garage. A woman who answered the front door said he was not commenting to the media.

…but fails to hear the magic words…

Winslow released a statement through the team in which he said thank you many times, but not “I’m sorry.’’

Doerschuk deems that statement “sketchy” and “mysterious” and barely veils a tone of conspiratorial silence.

The team and player apparently are in this together.

To me, the key statement of Wheelie Winslow’s statement is this: “I would like to thank everyone in advance for respecting my privacy as I recover.”

Translation: “Leave me alone. I ain’t telling you jack.”

Yes, that bugs media types. But it bugs fans too. No signs of accountability, remorse, empathy with fans. No information about his condition, his course of treatment, or prognosis. Just bug off.

Dude’s not doing himself any favors, but what’s new? I’ll just take the letters in his name and offer fans more substance than he could muster:

Sinew: low knell


Well sown? OK? Nil.


New ilk: swollen


Well, we slink on.