Metafortitude: hoisting the wrinkled Browns mainsail

A certain Browns blogger (right) with two of his heroes, his dad and Michael Dean Perry, at a Browns tailgate in downtown Detroit last fall.

So many moves, so much change, so how best to cast myself back into the blogging of the beleaguered Browns?

With a personal note, I guess. So much news and so many views have already been tweeted and podcast by a whole ecosystem of characters large and small. My voice seems tinny and distant, but it’s insistent.

The Browns must reemerge to greatness.

And in this 16th year of blogging about this often rudderless franchise, I shall be more than a passive vessel buffeted about by waves working their way onto the Lake Erie shore.

The whole reborn Browns franchise still most resembles a decades-thick pack of forlorn zombies, ill-clad in recognizable but strangely oranger orange. My urge is to make metaphors of these souls and their stories, be they comic or gory, boldly noble or dilatory.

We can find connection. We can join in the resurrection.

So what is my note, exactly? Pitch perfect it surely shall not be. Suffice it to say that I aspire to return my Browns blogging ball into the juggled mix of life without others falling to the floor. After a downright dizzying year of personal and family upheaval, I am emerging more hopeful and capable than ever. The mist has not entirely lifted, but I have missed too much already.

The Browns are fascinating again! The Haslams have opened wide their wallets after years of scrimping on talent to the detriment of the fans. New GM John Dorsey brings an experienced eye to his role. He and his team are striking forth on a very sensible plan based on certain time-tested principles.

In upcoming posts I’ll identify those principles from which decisions seem to flow. I’ll note the unusual and underreported in all the comings and goings. I’ll widen your eyes with eclectic context that will enrich your experience of following the Browns.

I’ll introduce you to some fun, fine fellow Browns fans and their spirit that perseveres through the cold, losing seasons. And I’ll practice my craft as a writer, merging passion with prose, sport with style.

You game?

Follow along. It’s getting better. Of course it is, right? We’ve suffered the worst and remain loyal like Dawgs do. Treats aplenty ahead.